Welcome to Guernsey Motor Neurone

We are here to provide care and support for anyone living with Motor Neurone Disease in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, as well as their carers and families.

About Guernsey Motor Neurone

Working closely with local health professionals, our aim is to provide the kind of support that allows those living with the disease to feel secure, safe and supported.

We loan medical equipment, help with fundraising, provide volunteer visitors and promote public and professional awareness and understanding of MND.

In short, we do all we can to make sure the best care and services are available for anyone diagnosed with the disease.

How we can help

Find out more about the services and support Guernsey Motor Neurone provide

About MND

Find out more about Motor Neurone Disease and its impact.

Local help

Guernsey Motor Neurone (GMN) helps anyone diagnosed with MND, their families and carers.

Equipment hire

Discover what’s available to help make everyday living more supported and comfortable.


Make a date for one of the amazing events organised by our supporters to raise vital funds.